And just like that …

[Foxtrot Mike Lima] is alive and breathing out in the world.
Or I guess it probably seems that way to readers. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

I am quite pleased to have the launch behind me. I do enjoy them though. I love talking about writing and whatnot, so that bit is pure fun. The lead up though; the stress, the doubts … not great. I am great at self doubt and stress. Don’t know many writers who aren’t. It’s like our side gig.

I did have more than one person ask about the second ‘Spellbound Bookshop’ book. It’s coming. And asking me about it stoked the fire. I now have the notebooks ready to take away with me. So, that’s promising. Think I need to read it before jumping back in. not quite sure where I left Poppy. I do know that I’m about halfway – maybe.

Anywho, a wee reminder … you can buy paperbacks here in New Zealand directly from me. Have a squiz under the ‘Where to buy the books in NZ’ heading.
I don’t currently have the Byte Series paperbacks here but if there is interest I will get in a few copies. More ‘Written in Leaves’ will arrive when ‘Scattered on Cloth’ is ready.
I know, you’re so patient. I appreciate your patience. I will do my darnedest to get to at least a complete first draft over the next few weeks.

In other news, go read [Foxtrot Mike Lima] then tell me if you saw any of those surprises coming … but don’t give them away!
I managed to not give away two big things that happen in [FML] during the launch so was quietly tickled with myself.

For those that love Nana and Emily (Milo), they are most definitely in [FML]. And the upcoming [Indigo Romeo Lima] has some big revelations regarding Emily. Such fun.
Nope, not telling. You know me by now, I don’t write and tell.

Tomorrow we’re heading south. It’s elderly parent visiting time. Our respective parental units are aged 88 and 89, that means we need to take every opportunity to spend time with them and listen to the stories of old. Superman tells a good story when he’s of a mind to, I will be hoping to encourage that! (If you wondered where I get it from … I’d say Superman’s side of the family although my favourite great uncle from Wonder Women’s side wrote a book. And I have the typed pages. One day we should do something with it. He told me once that I had a wonderful voice when I wrote but perhaps my main character didn’t need to make sailors blush with her profanity. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Every time Ellie said ‘fuck’ after that it was for Uncle Ed.

Right that’s it for me for now.
Catch you on the flip side.

2 thoughts on “And just like that …

  1. I’m very glad to hear the launch went well! It’s also good to know you’re making progress on Scattered on Cloth. I’ll bet it’ll be great. Have a safe trip and a good visit!

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