I’m reading …

It seems that I’ve given up on a lot of books this year. All for good reasons. Basically they were nonsense and my ability to tolerate nonsense is zero.
I’m too old for that shit … is actually what I say as I delete the nonsense from my Kindle.

I thought, because I’m going away (while you’re reading this I am away) that I’d get myself a nice selection of books for my Kindle.
I probably shouldn’t have started reading already but I figured I had a few books (10 or so) to keep me going so it wouldn’t hurt.

I was excited to read something half-way decent and then I started the book and said to myself, “This might be good.”
Is it good?
Let’s explore that notion shall we?
Good could mean so many things.
To start with the writing is entertaining. I sort of like the main character. She definitely had promise. And then it turned to day old custard.
I am aware that I’m quite picky as a reader because I’m a writer. I am also aware that a lot of authors out there don’t try too hard to get things right. It’s always disappointing when that happens.
There seems to be a HUGE number of authors who write ‘fiction’ as in, there is not a skerrick of truth anywhere. Things that I think should be right (and that are easy to get right) are not.
This book … I’m having to treat like a comedy to get through. The things is, I quite like it, and turning it into something really good wouldn’t be that hard. Just requires the author to set aside that part of their ego that makes them think they know everything.
They absolutely do not.
No one does.
I think I must’ve cut the author quite a bit of slack because I didn’t delete it at the first mention of a ‘CIA agent’. There is a LOT of fast and loose in play when it comes to ‘tradecraft’ and anything espionage related, or LEO related, and you could drive a truck through it without fear of touching anything plot related. Some of it is funny (don’t think that was the intent though), some just downright cringy.
The thing is … I’m still reading. I can’t say I’m particularly looking forward to reading more – not like I should be – more like wondering what the next ridiculous scene will be. As I said, I’m treating it like a comedy.
Makes me wonder what other joys I have to read on holiday …

Anywho, be great if people could just try a little bit harder.

One thought on “I’m reading …

  1. I actually just finished a really disappointing book, so I know just what you mean. At least there weren’t a lot of typo/grammar things, but there was really implausible dialogue, a poorly-done romance, and characters that didn’t feel authentic at all to me. It wasn’t the worst book I’ve ever read, but it needed a lot of work, in my opinion.

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