Getting my shit together:

Well, trying to. 🙂
The lead up to a launch event is always interesting. I have a comprehensive plan. I couldn’t do this without one. My plan began last year. It started with getting editing done early so I could concentrate on other things. That didn’t quite go to plan. Two rounds were nice and early then the wheels fell off. (My absolutely lovely editor ended up in hospital!)
So, I carried on and ordered another proof. I find it helps me greatly to read the book as it’s intended to be read. Until it’s something I can hold in my hands it is a collection of scenes. I’m never quite sure that the story slotted together until I see it and read it as a book. I used to be able to send it to my Kindle and get the same result.
But my Kindle is getting old and it doesn’t like me sending it books. There is a whole drama with that these days. I have to email the book to the Kindle, then restart the Kindle (that is not a quick thing), then cross everything in the hopes that the book is there. Most often it isn’t. So the whole process begins again.
And even when I finally get the book, my brain tells me it’s not a real book and reads it accordingly. I guess Brian Brain sees anything electronic and decides it doesn’t need to read all the words because it wrote them.
Brian Brain is not helpful.
Don’t be like Brian Brain.
Anywho, it is done. Anything that crops up now will have to wait until I get back from holiday.

Take care out there.
May your brain not behave like Brian.

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