The cake

As I sit at my desk and type this, a block of white fondant is sitting on the kitchen bench. I had thoughts about making some cake toppers for the [Foxtrot Mike Lima] launch cake.
I got out the container of gel colours and my very cool edible ink/colour pens, and some modelling tools.
I thought about making small books (mostly because that’s pretty easy) that could be piled up on the cake. I’d really like to work out how to make a passport for the top. I could probably figure it out and copy mine. We’ll see.
I could also copy a map onto a sheet of fondant and create a pendulum. We’ll see.

In other news it is 14 days until the physical launch at Upper Hutt Library.
I have time to mess around with fondant and it’s not warm or humid so that makes it a lot easier. I’ll give it some more thought and see what I come up with.
We’re nearly there.
It’s pretty exciting. There are boxes of books on my desk. There is also a box of prizes. Such fun.

Pre-order [FML]

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