The title pretty much sums up the last few weeks. Nothing has gone to plan. First COVID, then more annoyance. The lawyer emailed the papers but didn’t want me to do electronic signatures. So I to had print legal documents and had no ink. $65 later I had ink. (I can bill them, right? Even if I can’t, I’m going to because this is bullshit.) The legal shite that should’ve been straight forward was a POS. The JP never responded. I had to find someone else. It wasn’t as easy as you’d think.
Reminder, I WALK everywhere.
Got it done and emailed back the paperwork (because that what the lawyer said to do). No, that’s not good enough. They want the papers. So I walk 2km to the fucking post office and mail it then 2km back home.
A FULL WEEK goes by, and they email me at almost 5:30 last night. There was a document missing.
Now why didn’t they tell me that when they received the emailed forms at the beginning of last week??? I’d printed all the PDF’s they’d sent and signed everything.
Then they say it was a Word.doc. I never saw a Word doc. Why the fuck would there be a Word doc when everything else was in PDF form?? And it’s the only document that requires a lawyer or JP to witness the signature. At that point I was really pissed off.
So I rang Superman to tell him how fucking annoying his lawyers are and he accuses me of dragging my feet and deliberately taking too long to sign the fucking papers. WTF??
Yes, I yelled at him.
We’ve had a rough week (some of you know that we had a young family member commit suicide). I am in a lot of physical pain. I went out of my way to do what the fucking lawyer wanted only to get blamed for not signing all the documents.
Am I pissed off?
Yes, yes I am.
Am I going to sign the fucking document. Of course, but they can Zoom call me and witness the signature and I will charge them for my time and if they want me to send the physical documents I will charge them postage and TIME. It’s not like I can jump into a car and be at the Post Office in five minutes.
Superman was going to see the lawyers today. Hope he tells them how fucking angry I am at being fucked around by them and points out that leaving something for a week before saying they didn’t one document is poor form.
And I better get an apology from Superman for his shit too.

Meanwhile, I have to get ready for an appointment.
And commit a few murders. I wonder which characters need to die today.
Edited to ad: I emailed the lawyer this morning and I was less than pleased when I did, but managed to prevent my fingers from using the words I used last night while on the phone. She emailed me an apology. Apparently there is no rush and I’m not the only person they’re waiting for documents from. That’s interesting. They will organise a Zoom meeting whenever I am free.

8 thoughts on “FFS

  1. Ugh! That is too much! You’d think they’d have been more careful about sending you everything. This on top of everything else going on must be awful. I hope it all gets sorted; you’ve had more than enough.

  2. By any chance with the characters is there one one or two crooked lawyers that need to killed off.My deepest sympathies go to you and your family (((Hugs))) Annette.

  3. Some Days! life sucks and sucks & keeps on suckin. Some people just don’t know how to cope with that. ( not built the same as you or I ) Keep the chin up cause I need to hear and see it soon.

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