Living Proof

The new Bon Jovi single is out. I’m looking forward to the album.
Anywho, that’s not what this is about. 🙂

We got back on Thursday night from a fantastic holiday in Rarotonga. I don’t know when I last laughed that much. There was a LOT of laughter.
It rained, I think everyday. And we didn’t care because it was warm and lovely.
So no tans … in fact I think we only used sun screen the first day because it was cloudy and we thought it could also be burny.
It was very light summer clothes all week and jandals or sandals. I don’t think the temperature dropped below 25 (even at night).
Glorious. Simply glorious.

Today is the ‘Badness in the Bushland’ Ngaio Marsh event at Upper Hutt Library (2PM).
I got the questions yesterday so have endeavoured to read them and have a bit of an idea how the event will look. There is a reading (max of 3 minutes each) … can’t see me doing that. I haven’t had enough time to pick a passage and I hate reading to people. Yes, I know, that makes no sense … I’m quite happy to read bits of my work to my classes and give talks to groups, make speeches, whatever.
It is what it is. Go with it.
We’ll see what happens.

One of the wonderful things about the Raro trip is a new character that is too good to resist. Sorry not sorry Auntie Barbara. Hopefully she won’t be horrified to be immortalised by her ‘other’ niece. 🙂
We learnt that there is nothing you can’t do after watching a few ‘reality’ medical shows. I can see so much potential. It’s pure delight. I have a feeling that Nana and the Cronies of Doom will find themselves in Rarotonga with Auntie Barbara.

Take care out there. 🙂

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