The long and the short

As far as book blurbs go, I’ve tried almost everything. There have been long ones, short ones, the original one from my publisher (a few of them really pissed me off because they gave away too much). I’ve had blurbs with quotes from other authors. There’ve been blurbs with a logline or a hook line as the short description.
Just recently, I changed all the FBI-Byte Series covers. To be honest, I never liked them that much and over time I liked them less and less. They didn’t stand out and I could change them myself without it costing me a fortune. So, done.
Almost immediately I sold 35 paperbacks via D2D.
That kinda cemented my decision to change covers. (Sadly, it did not repeat!)
Not only did I change the covers but I changed the formatting to something I liked far better. Some of the books had really weird formatting and had pissed me off. So, now they are all uniform. New covers, new formatting.
The thing was the formatting before was not uniform. It was all over the show despite them being formatted by my publisher and it being a series.
It’s fixed.
Yesterday (I have COVID so I can’t be sure if this was yesterday), I heard from an author friend (we go back a long way) and she said the blurbs are too long. And she’s right. So, I changed the blurbs for Killerbyte, Terrorbyte, and [Lure the Lie] … as an experiment.
I loaded the new blurbs to the main platforms and we’ll see how they do.

Most of this writing/marketing thing is an experiment. I do something that works. Then hope like hell it carries on. I try something that tanks. I try again.
One day maybe I’ll hit on the perfect combo and sales will go through the roof. (And film/TV options will be thrown at me like confetti!) A girl can dream.

Meanwhile, just buy a book!

One thought on “The long and the short

  1. Sometimes you do have to re-think things like blurbs, don’t you? I ought to look at mine, too, and see if they need attention. But… I love writing blurbs, said no author ever!! Anyway, keep resting, take care of yourself, step by step, and feel better soon!

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