The thing with the stuff.

So, here’s the thing I’ve been grappling with for-fucking-ever … getting enough sales to do more than break even (although hey, that would be great). It’s the never-ending story. The never-ending author story.
Someone suggested creating exclusive content for readers. Brilliant. Okay, I thought. I can do that. And do that, I did. I created a PDF magazine. That’s right, I did.
It’s pretty cool, even if I do say so myself.

The problem is getting it to readers of the [Veronica Tracey] Spy/PI Series. If I add it to my website then anyone can get it and that doesn’t make it exclusive.
If I add a link in the back of the eBooks to the download, that might work. But I’m not that keen adding anything to the files at this point. (Having just let the dust settle after changing platforms and covers etc.)
I could make it exclusive content under the subscription button on my Facebook Page. That makes sense. Or it would, if anyone had subscribed. (Maybe it’d be incentive?)
By the time I’m finished with this PDF magazine, I’m hoping to have four or five for each series. Issue 1 is the June Tracey issue. Such fun.
I think it’s fun, anyway.
It was fun coming up with the content for the magazine. (Recipe, interview, observations.)

If you can think of the best way to let people know about this exclusive content and how to get it to readers who have purchased any of the [Veronica Tracey] Spy/PI books, then let me know in comments!

2 thoughts on “The thing with the stuff.

  1. Oh, that’s a tough ‘un! I’ve been wondering about exclusive content, too. I’ve been wondering if a newsletter (to which one would have to subscribe) would help, but then again, that’s not reliant on sales. Hmm….. I wish I had a brilliant idea but I don’t. If either of us thinks of one, we’ll share it with the other, yeah?

    • I was thinking about a newsletter but ditched it for the same reason. I think exclusive content would be awesome if we came up with a way of letting people know about it and getting it to the right people!
      I promise if I figure anything out I’ll be sharing your way, and fast! xx

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