It’s time for another …

… rant about thievery. You all know where I stand on creatives getting fair pay and not being ripped off by pirate arse-hats. Annoyingly, I think this problem will never be resolved. It’s frustrating. It’s downright horrible. People need to stop stealing.
I wouldn’t walk into someone’s house and take things that weren’t mine but people think it’s okay to take books that aren’t theirs. They think it’s fine to steal from an author and that they are somehow entitled to their creativity for free.
News Flash: You are not!
That’s not how the world works. No one is entitled to steal a year worth of work from anyone else.
How would you like it if someone walked into your work place and demanded the thing you’d spent a year working on for free? Or if they took a year worth of pay off you because they believed they were entitled to do that? They believed they could steal from you and it would be a victimless crime because they convinced themselves it was okay to take what isn’t theirs – because they have just as much right as you do to your hard work.
I don’t know anyone who would like that.
In fact, you’d call the police.
No one has the right to steal your work. NO ONE.
It doesn’t matter what fucking stupid argument they use or how they try to justify it. If the author isn’t getting paid for the book you are reading, it’s theft.

Sometimes authors give books away (because they are kind like that and they’re allowed they own the IP). Sometimes people join subscription sites like KU. That’s fine as long as the author gets paid. There are a lot of “subscription” sites that are charging customers for pirated goods. Do your due diligence. If you download something from a pirate site YOU ARE STEALING.
It’s as simple as that.
You know what that means, right?
It’s illegal to steal.

3 thoughts on “It’s time for another …

  1. I couldn’t possibly agree with you more! People who pirate like that are contemptible. And I know how hard you work on your stories; to have them stolen is, along with everything else, a real slap in the face. Go ahead and vent; all writers who honestly do the work probably feel the same way you do.

    • You raised a point with your comment ‘all writers who honestly do the work’ … we both know there are ‘writers’ out there who do none of the work but put their name on stories they’ve bought off a certain website or who have used AI to create their story … I wonder if they care about piracy as much as the rest of us?

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