The first flower

This morning the large camellia tree outside my bedroom window has a tui in it. That means the first flowers have opened. The tui love the camellia flowers. I thought I heard a tui yesterday and thought the flowers would open soon.
The next birds to visit the camellia will be the korimako. Korimako are my favourite. They’re hard to see because they’re green but their song is magical. (Korimako is also called a bellbird.)
The best thing about autumn is the camellia tree flowering. It’s glorious when it’s in full bloom and full of bird life. The other lovely thing about autumn is the smoke tree changing colour. It’s a PIA all summer with the smoke tumbling everywhere but this time of year it’s beautiful.

Anywho, I think I’ve finished reading, tweaking sentences, changing words, and wondering why I couldn’t read faster. 🙂 Time is ticking and this book has to be ready or we won’t have any paperbacks at the launch in June. Yeah, not that long now.
It takes a while to get everything set and ready to go.
I’ll have one more look at it and hopefully nothing will jump out.
Fingers crossed.
I’d like to get these files loaded and then forget about it all until I need to find the money to buy the paperbacks for the launch! That day is not far off.

Meanwhile, buy some books so then I can buy some books! 🙂 (Magic how that works!)
I’m back into writing [IRL] today. I’d like to get an hour of writing done this arvo. So we’ll see how that pans out.
I should probably do that hour before I go spray weeds. It would make more sense.

Anywho, things are moving on.
I have the main prizes for the launch of [Foxtrot Mike Lima] sorted and the last couple of things for those prizes are on the way. I’ve checked out my posters and I have more than I thought – so some of those will be given away. As it stands at the moment at the launch event there will be 2 or 3 main prizes and a couple of smaller ones.
It was quite fun deciding what to do there. 🙂

In other news: Day Light Savings ended this morning. So it’s sunny again in the mornings. Hooray!

Have a good day!

Diesel and Dallas love readers. 🙂

One thought on “The first flower

  1. …And we readers love Diesel and Dallas (and Patrick and Jimmy too)! It sounds as though everything’s coming together bit by bit, and that’s great. I know the feeling of getting ready for a launch, too. Mine’s scheduled for 1 July (we’ll see how that goes…)

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